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React v0.14.3

November 18, 2015 by Paul O’Shannessy

It’s time for another installment of React patch releases! We didn’t break anything in v0.14.2 but we do have a couple of other bugs we’re fixing. The biggest change in this release is actually an addition of a new built file. We heard from a number of people that they still need the ability to use React to render to a string on the client. While the use cases are not common and there are other ways to achieve this, we decided that it’s still valuable to support. So we’re now building react-dom-server.js, which will be shipped to Bower and in the dist/ directory of the react-dom package on npm. This file works the same way as react-dom.js and therefore requires that the primary React build has already been included on the page.

The release is now available for download:

We’ve also published version 0.14.3 of the react, react-dom, and addons packages on npm and the react package on bower.


React DOM

  • Added support for nonce attribute for <script> and <style> elements
  • Added support for reversed attribute for <ol> elements

React TestUtils Add-on

  • Fixed bug with shallow rendering and function refs

React CSSTransitionGroup Add-on

  • Fixed bug resulting in timeouts firing incorrectly when mounting and unmounting rapidly

React on Bower

  • Added react-dom-server.js to expose renderToString and renderToStaticMarkup for usage in the browser
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